EFA rotations
17 Sep 2024 —

What they have in common is that the factor structure (for one or more blocks) is found by means of rotation. ESEM. To illustrate how ESEM works in lavaan, ....

But the oblique “rotations” of EFA do not involve true rotation matrices, rather matrices that merely have an inverse and a determinant of one.. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) rotations are used because of indeterminacy in the factor model y= mu + Lambda * F + e, as this model is .... If the results from an orthogonal rotation are problematic (e.g., cross loadings, low communalities, low significance loadings), the researcher ....

S Corner · Cited by 685 — On page 167 of that book. Feb 2021 — If the results from an orthogonal rotation are problematic (e..